Blog for writers


Interview with Lieve

When did you join Topcontent and how did you hear about us? I joined Topcontent at the beginning of November. I sometimes work with a translation agency of friends who live in Spain. They had been working for Topcontent for some time and told me that they were looking for additional translators for a large…

how to be a successful remote employee

How to be a successful remote employee – Eight main characteristics

Living through a pandemic has brought changes into our lives we had never before considered. One of the biggest shifts has been our working patterns. In April 2020, almost half of Britons did work from home according to ONS. But even without factoring in Coronavirus, home-working was on the rise anyway. Effective remote working can…

what is fluff writing

What does “No filler or fluff” mean in content writing?

As content writers, we are frequently told to avoid “filler or fluff” as part of the instructions in our content brief. But this is often easier said than done. This article seeks to define fluff and help freelancers avoid fluff writing. What is fluff writing: unnecessary details Fluff definition can be summarised as unnecessary details…

Is working from home lonely

Overcoming loneliness and depression when working from home

We’ve always said remote workforces can revolutionize companies. However, it took a worldwide pandemic for some businesses to actually make the leap! Over the past few months, thousands of workers have gone digital – and some of them are finding the reality of working from home lonely. Is working from home lonely? We’ve known for…

Challenges of hiring remote employees (We are now looking for new team members)

How many times during these past few months have people reached out to you for networking purposes and then signed off their own message to you with “stay safe”? This has probably happened far too many times. The Stay Safe slogan just feels as ordinary now as saying take care or look forward to hearing…

Upwork alternative – The benefits of writing with Topcontent

If you’re currently on the lookout for freelance writing jobs, you’ll definitely have come across Topcontent. Topcontent is a global content company that’s always on the lookout for great writers. This article explains why Topcontent is a good Upwork alternative and why you should choose to write with us instead of other sites. Who and…

How to calculate freelance writer hourly rate

How to calculate your freelance writer hourly rate

“The three most harmful addictions are heroin, carbohydrates and a monthly salary.” Nicolas Taleb Being a freelance writer comes with many challenges. And, like any other job, one of the main concerns is no doubt the financial side of things. Sure, we write because it’s our passion, but there’s nothing wrong with getting paid for…

motivating freelance writers

How and why companies should motivate their freelancers

As the world goes internet, more and more companies are moving towards a totally remote workforce. Going digital is greatly advantageous for both company and employee: companies benefit from reduced needs and related costs for office spaces, while workers enjoy flexibility and the freedom to roam, among others. It’s in everyone’s interest that such a…

Getting started – The realities of being a freelance writer with Topcontent

Every writer has their own story. Each of us has our own style, type of creative expression and preferred medium for writing. The realities of being a freelance writer, however, differ greatly from those of your typical novelist. The technological revolution is the playground of thousands of content writers from all over the world, and…